Abdominal Ultrasounds
These types of ultrasounds are a great way to see your internal organs which include your bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and your liver. This is able to help your doctor to diagnose certain conditions and even assess any damage that has been done by an illness. Ultrasounds are used because they can provide a real time image. However, it can also be used for:
- Showing congenital malformations such as the down syndrome ultrasound.
- Showing buildup of plaque inside vessels
- Showing blockages to blood flow like blood clots
- Showing major blood vessels
- Helping to identify the cause of abdominal organ enlargement
- Helping a doctor to find the source of abdominal pains like kidney stones or gallbladder
- stonesGuiding procedures like a needle biopsy which uses needles to grab sample cells from organs to be tested in a lab.